Rila National Park Directorate is a specialized regional body, an independent legal entity on budget support and directly subordinated to the Ministry of Environment and Water.
The functions, tasks and structure of the directorates of national parks shall be governed by the rules of procedure and their activities, approved by the Minister of Environment and Water:
Art. 2. The Directorates of National Parks shall be administrative structures to the Minister of Environment and Water, ensuring the implementation of the state policy for the management and conservation of the protected areas entrusted to them.
(2) The Directorates of National Parks shall be legal persons of budget support.
(3) The directors of the directorates of national parks shall be executive bodies and secondary authorising officers to the Minister of Environment and Water.
Art. 5. (1) In carrying out its activities, the GNP shall ensure the implementation of the state policy for the conservation and maintenance of the diversity of ecosystems and the natural processes taking place there, the protection of wildlife, the conservation and maintenance of biodiversity and the provision of opportunities for the development of scientific, educational and recreational activities in the protected areas entrusted to it.
(2) The Directorate shall have control, security, regulatory and information functions.
(3) In carrying out the functions under para. 2 THE CA shall carry out the tasks arising from the laws and regulations, including by:
1. prepare management plans and submit them for approval by the Minister of Environment and Water;
2. Commissions the development of management plans;
3. implement management plans;
4. participate in the development of management plans and development and technical plans and projects, such as:
(a) prepare and submit to the MoEW proposals for the financing of
(b) commission the development of technical projects for the implementation of maintenance or restoration activities provided for in the management plans and development plans;
(c) provide the available information necessary for the development of plans and projects;
(d) prepare opinions on plans and projects and participate in the process of their adoption;
5. implement the plans and projects under item 4 by entrusting or supervising the implementation of activities and projects related to:
(a) research work;
(b) restoring ecosystems and communities and combating erosion;
(c) the maintenance and resumption of forests;
(d) maintaining and/or restoring populations of plant and animal species or conditions in their habitats;
e) construction and maintenance of visitor infrastructure - routes, markings and markings, shelters and places of rest, etc.;
(f) issuing information, advertising, educational and other materials to promote the activities of the CA;
6. develop, organize and coordinate the implementation of educational programs for visitors and local populations in the protected areas entrusted to it;
7. organize the establishment and operation of visitor and information centers;
8. implement and control the implementation of fire fighting events;
9. control compliance with the norms, regimes and conditions under the Protected Areas Act (SPA), the declaration orders and management plans;
10. carry out gen(c) the collection in commercial quantities of mushrooms, medicinal plants and wild fruits other than medicinal plants on the territory of the national park in accordance with the plans and projects under Chapter Four of the SPA and the Medicinal Plants Act;
11. issue authorisations for:
(a) grazing in the national park in accordance with the plans and projects under Chapter Four of the SPA;
(b) the use of wood by the local population in the framework of maintenance and restoration activities in forests on the territory of the national park in accordance with the plans and projects under Chapter Four of the SPA;
(c) the collection in commercial quantities of mushrooms, medicinal plants and wild fruits other than medicinal plants on the territory of the national park in accordance with the plans and projects under Chapter Four of the SPA and the Medicinal Plants Act;
12. supervise the relevant authorities, organisations and compliance persons with:
(a) the conditions and performance of contracts for the award of activities under item 5;
(b) the terms of concession contracts;
(c) the conditions in the authorisations referred to in item 11;
(d) the conditions in decisions on environmental impact assessment (EIA), environmental assessment (EC) and compatibility assessment (GA);
13. guard the protected areas entrusted to it by:
(a) organise security by sector, park and security section;
(b) organise mobile security;
(c) ensure the establishment and operation of control posts and fire depots;
(d) provide specialised monitoring during the fire-threatening season;
14. monitor:
(a) the state of natural habitats as well as the state of populations of plant and animal species;
(b) the state of other environmental components - water, soil;
(c) the number of visitors;
(d) the impact of visitor flow on the state of ecosystems;
15. organize and maintain a database of: forest ecosystems, natural habitats, plant and animal species, visitor flow, cultural and historical sites, capital construction sites and other sites and activities on the territory of the protected areas entrusted to it;
16. provide information on the protected areas entrusted to it to interested organisations and persons;
17. Issue opinions on EIA, EC and GA procedures, requests for construction and other activities in parks;
18. penalises violators in the cases provided for by law.
(4) In the performance of their control and security duties, determined by the Director of the National Park, employees of the Directorate shall be entitled to:
1. to carry out checks, to request references and written explanations for all activities on the territory of the national park carried out by natural and legal persons;
2. free access to all sites on the territory of the national park in connection with the carrying out of checks or sampling to detect damage or pollution of the environment;
3. to request assistance from other public authorities;
4. to wear uniformed clothing and firearm in the cases provided for by law.
The functions, tasks and structure of the directorates of national parks shall be governed by the rules of procedure and their activities, approved by the Minister of Environment and Water:
Art. 2. The Directorates of National Parks shall be administrative structures to the Minister of Environment and Water, ensuring the implementation of the state policy for the management and conservation of the protected areas entrusted to them.
(2) The Directorates of National Parks shall be legal persons of budget support.
(3) The directors of the directorates of national parks shall be executive bodies and secondary authorising officers to the Minister of Environment and Water.
Art. 5. (1) In carrying out its activities, the GNP shall ensure the implementation of the state policy for the conservation and maintenance of the diversity of ecosystems and the natural processes taking place there, the protection of wildlife, the conservation and maintenance of biodiversity and the provision of opportunities for the development of scientific, educational and recreational activities in the protected areas entrusted to it.
(2) The Directorate shall have control, security, regulatory and information functions.
(3) In carrying out the functions under para. 2 THE CA shall carry out the tasks arising from the laws and regulations, including by:
1. prepare management plans and submit them for approval by the Minister of Environment and Water;
2. Commissions the development of management plans;
3. implement management plans;
4. participate in the development of management plans and development and technical plans and projects, such as:
(a) prepare and submit to the MoEW proposals for the financing of
(b) commission the development of technical projects for the implementation of maintenance or restoration activities provided for in the management plans and development plans;
(c) provide the available information necessary for the development of plans and projects;
(d) prepare opinions on plans and projects and participate in the process of their adoption;
5. implement the plans and projects under item 4 by entrusting or supervising the implementation of activities and projects related to:
(a) research work;
(b) restoring ecosystems and communities and combating erosion;
(c) the maintenance and resumption of forests;
(d) maintaining and/or restoring populations of plant and animal species or conditions in their habitats;
e) construction and maintenance of visitor infrastructure - routes, markings and markings, shelters and places of rest, etc.;
(f) issuing information, advertising, educational and other materials to promote the activities of the CA;
6. develop, organize and coordinate the implementation of educational programs for visitors and local populations in the protected areas entrusted to it;
7. organize the establishment and operation of visitor and information centers;
8. implement and control the implementation of fire fighting events;
9. control compliance with the norms, regimes and conditions under the Protected Areas Act (SPA), the declaration orders and management plans;
10. carry out gen(c) the collection in commercial quantities of mushrooms, medicinal plants and wild fruits other than medicinal plants on the territory of the national park in accordance with the plans and projects under Chapter Four of the SPA and the Medicinal Plants Act;
11. issue authorisations for:
(a) grazing in the national park in accordance with the plans and projects under Chapter Four of the SPA;
(b) the use of wood by the local population in the framework of maintenance and restoration activities in forests on the territory of the national park in accordance with the plans and projects under Chapter Four of the SPA;
(c) the collection in commercial quantities of mushrooms, medicinal plants and wild fruits other than medicinal plants on the territory of the national park in accordance with the plans and projects under Chapter Four of the SPA and the Medicinal Plants Act;
12. supervise the relevant authorities, organisations and compliance persons with:
(a) the conditions and performance of contracts for the award of activities under item 5;
(b) the terms of concession contracts;
(c) the conditions in the authorisations referred to in item 11;
(d) the conditions in decisions on environmental impact assessment (EIA), environmental assessment (EC) and compatibility assessment (GA);
13. guard the protected areas entrusted to it by:
(a) organise security by sector, park and security section;
(b) organise mobile security;
(c) ensure the establishment and operation of control posts and fire depots;
(d) provide specialised monitoring during the fire-threatening season;
14. monitor:
(a) the state of natural habitats as well as the state of populations of plant and animal species;
(b) the state of other environmental components - water, soil;
(c) the number of visitors;
(d) the impact of visitor flow on the state of ecosystems;
15. organize and maintain a database of: forest ecosystems, natural habitats, plant and animal species, visitor flow, cultural and historical sites, capital construction sites and other sites and activities on the territory of the protected areas entrusted to it;
16. provide information on the protected areas entrusted to it to interested organisations and persons;
17. Issue opinions on EIA, EC and GA procedures, requests for construction and other activities in parks;
18. penalises violators in the cases provided for by law.
(4) In the performance of their control and security duties, determined by the Director of the National Park, employees of the Directorate shall be entitled to:
1. to carry out checks, to request references and written explanations for all activities on the territory of the national park carried out by natural and legal persons;
2. free access to all sites on the territory of the national park in connection with the carrying out of checks or sampling to detect damage or pollution of the environment;
3. to request assistance from other public authorities;
4. to wear uniformed clothing and firearm in the cases provided for by law.